Education! Business OR Service? Qamar Khan Qureshi


Whenever we look at a private school, a sudden thought which usually strikes our brains is; millions lie in this business. And this thought has paved its way through our minds in decades of skillfulness, appearance (usually false) and our own personal experiences. May it be a Montessori Set up, an Elementary School, a college trying to provide tertiary qualification or even a private medical or an engineering college. Living in Pakistan, and having been robbed off by these mushrooms everywhere at some point in our lives, this mindset has captured its roots deep inside us. This belief gets even stronger when we happen to see a school owner speeding by in a Land Cruiser, dribbling muddy water around and crushing all ethical notes that are written on their school walls. We grumble for a second and start thinking and imagining ourselves driving a Lexus after having opened a school somewhere in our street which is bustling with children. And why not; after all we are surrounded by many multi-billionaire, so called educationists, who hardly can spell the word which describes them but can easily roam around Eiffel Tower and Golden Gate Bridge, twice a year.

Since our childhood, we have been listening “education is the key to success,” but this phrase has formed its face after getting to know the Education Business Owners. What a Pity, what a pity!

Now let us look at the other way. Is it a service? Well, it must be but unfortunately it’s not. Not in its true spirit, at least. I know some people… ah a very few people…I mean just a couple of them…yeah may be at least one who I am sure is very loyal to this noble cause and who is working very hard to change the education system of our country for our kids but we aren’t ready to support that lady or the gentleman. By support I mean, we would send our kids to bigger schools because they are big and famous and old and established and and and expensive about which we always crib whenever we sit together but we also need to show to the world that we can pay, we are rich, we are wise and our children are saints because  they are our off springs and they would never go off course.

Let’s face it my friends and accept the fact that our generations are being destroyed by these big and expensive schools. We are all very well aware and we know it but we aren’t ready to raise our voice against it because we are not truly concerned, because many of us are also useless products of the same system, because we can’t think straight for we haven’t been taught to think straight, because we can’t talk. Even if can do all of these things, we have our eyes tight shut and we desperately, in our hearts only, want to pass it without hurting us…more. Without realizing that it will hurt us like it has when we were growing up and going to these grocery stores.

I advocate the fact that it’s the State’s responsibility to arrange quality education for the country’s children but our State just like in hundreds of other affairs, has failed to do that. Good enough! Public have taken over this sector and doing wonders in terms of so many other things let alone be provision of education and its public again who is suffering. If we put it this way that everywhere it’s the same situation and every department and sector is in hands of nincompoops, I would not take that. I would not take that because it’s our useless education system which is producing those nincompoops and keep on producing them because that’s where all the products are made from Day 1 of perception.

I really don’t know how and what to write more because just now I received a call on my cell phone by an educationist who is my tenant and running three business units across KPK that are franchises of a very well known educational set up which is run by a very mighty group (can’t take their name because I shall be regarded a traitor), and the way he talks and walks and behaves and treats his students and teachers; My Lord! It reminds me of one thing and I am pushed to think that these mighty lords who have turned into super business entities, have no criteria at all for choosing their franchisees wisely…oh sorry I sometimes forget that it’s business and in business of today’s world, there are no ethics.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Please, don’t go after big names. For Heaven’s Sake, come out of your comfort zones and look for someone who is really determined to do something in this very noble cause of educating your children on proper means. Look for someone who still believes in discipline, in ethics, in morals and in respect. Someone, whose objective is at least; not only money. Trust me, there are people out there who are working selflessly and want to do something for this nation which is going through such crises just because of our faulty education standards. Go stand with them hand in hand and change the outlook of your own selves by educating your children right, at least. And let me tell you that it won’t be easy even if you find some iron lady or superman; for these kinds of people, as I know them, have an exceptional way of doing things which for people like us isn’t very familiar or usual and you might think that s/he is crazy. But can you recall any big name in history that wasn’t a little crazy?

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