Treasure – Roman Gold Ring Found with a Metal Detector in an English Field

The Vintage News Aug 14, 2018 Nancy Bilyeau Getty Images Searching for valuables from the Roman age in the fields of England is a popular pastime — if a frustrating one for many who pursue dreams of glory. But for one amateur with a metal detector, the search just paid off big time, with the discovery … Read more

The importance of the eyes

September 22, 2018 by Paulo Coelho Paulo Coelho   “I sell churches.” I stood astonished as he continued: “I am employed by the Vatican to select buyers, since there are more churches than churchgoers in Holland. And since we have had awful experiences in the past, seeing sacred places turned into nightclubs, condominiums, boutiques and even sex … Read more

Million Dollar Artwork Damaged by Overzealous Cleaning Lady

The Vintage News Sep 6, 2018 Andrew Pourciaux Photo by Mirko Tobias Schäfer CC BY 2.0 Modern art often gets a reputation for being strange, obtuse and somewhat pretentious. Of course, this reputation isn’t entirely unearned. There have been plenty of strange and overblown pieces of art, sometimes selling for hundreds of thousands of dollars, all … Read more

Charles Darwin, the father of the theory of evolution, was married to his first cousin

The Vintage News Jun 11, 2018 Nikola Budanovic Charles Darwin is the father of evolution science and a biologist whose studies set a milestone in explaining the origins of all living forms on Earth. His theory of natural selection turned the 19th century science world upside-down and has been a subject of lively debate and numerous … Read more

پہاڑوں کی شہزادی، سلینہ خواجہ کا ایک اور اعزاز

نو سالہ سلینہ خواجہ جو کہ ایبٹ آباد کی مکین ہیں کا ایک اور شاندار ورلڈ ریکارڈ۔  سلینہ نے اگست کے مہینے میں ’ولیو سر‘ نامی چوٹی سر کر کے قوم کا سر ایک دفعہ پھر فخر سے بلند کر دیا۔ یہ چوٹی چھ ہزار چار سو پینسٹھ میٹر بلند ہے اور سلینہ خواجہ اسے … Read more

سی پیک کے ساتھ کیا گیا خطرناک کھلواڑ

“سی پیک سے کیا گیا خطرناک کھلواڑ….” ” پاک چینی دوستی سی پیک کے ذریعے اقتصادی شراکت داری میں بدلی اگر سی پیک کو روکا یا تعطل میں ڈالا گیا تو معیشت کو نقصان ہوگا۔ ” ۔۔۔۔ مولانا فضل الرحمن ” سی پیک گیم چینجر ہے۔اسے منجمد کرنا 22 کروڑ عوام کے ساتھ زیادتی ہوگی۔ … Read more

“I see that you have made three spelling mistakes,” muttered Marquis de Favras upon reading his death warrant

The Vintage News Jul 26, 2018 Stefan Andrews Public execution and torture as criminal punishment goes back a long way in European history. Often the sentence was engineered to fit the crime, in some unthinkably gruesome ways. In France, during the period from 1789 to 1799, hundreds of thousands of men and women were arrested and … Read more

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