Medmenham Abbey: How a home for medieval monks was transformed into a secret club for depraved aristocrats

The Vintage News May 11, 2018 Nancy Bilyeau Photo:Andrew Smith / Medmenham Abbey / CC BY-SA 2.0 History does not record a single event of interest that took place within the abbey walls while Cistercian monks actually inhabited Medmenham between 1204 and 1536. It’s what happened to a woman around the time of its founding and … Read more

Salisbury Cathedral could possess the world’s oldest working mechanical clock, still capable of chiming the hour

The Vintage News Mar 22, 2018 Stefan Andrews When people started using mechanical clocks during the 14th and 15th centuries, they were introducing a relatively new concept of counting the time. Mechanical clocks, like the one of Salisbury Cathedral, were game-changers, since before then people didn’t cut the day into 24 slices. There were the “temporal … Read more

Sweyn Forkbeard: the king of Denmark ruled England for five weeks, but his bloodline can be found in today’s British royalty

The Vintage News Mar 22, 2018 Nikola Budanovic Little is known of the King of Denmark, Sweyn Forkbeard, today, but this Norse monarch was once the King of England as well, albeit for only five weeks, making the small town of Gainsborough in eastern England his capital. One reason for the mystery surrounding him is several … Read more

These WW2 Railwaymen Gave Their Lives to Prevent a Munitions Disaster

War History Online Feb 25, 2018 Andrew Knighton World War Two Munitions in production Close your eyes and imagine an act of wartime courage. What do you picture? A soldier carrying a comrade to safety? A captain buying his crew vital time to abandon ship? A pilot hurtling through the skies, intercepting the enemy’s deadly engines … Read more

The U.S. had “Backpack Nukes” that would be carried to battlefields during the cold war

War History Online Feb 25, 2018 Jack Knight If you think the tensions between Russia and United States have reached the heights of insanity now, you should invest some time to learn about the Cold War and your perception of hostility will change for good. Soon after the Second World War reached an abrupt end with … Read more

The Man Who Bought – And Wore – A Medal of Honor Which Was Not His

War History Online Feb 13, 2018 Heather Fishel Part of the Cold War and the inter-Korean conflict Military stories vary widely: some are the moments that make history, secure victories or result in resounding losses. Others are merely moments of day to day life. Still others are incredible stories of heroism, saving lives and greatly impacting … Read more

RAF WWII Airfield Control Tower for Sale as Designer Home

War History Online Feb 13, 2018 George Winston The only thing remaining from RAF Findo Gask in Scotland is the airfield’s control tower, but that is now nearly unrecognizable from its original form. About three years ago, the tower began its transformation to a four-story, single-family home. It is now on the market for £1.25 million. … Read more

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