There’s gold in them thar jeans: The truth behind the tale of a Chinese laundryman who got rich during the Gold Rush washing miners’ clothes

Courtesy: The Vintage News Jan 6, 2018 E.L. Hamilton Talk about laundering money! A popular folk tale from the Gold Rush era has it that a Chinese laundryman got rich not from panning for gold in the American River but from washing. In this apocryphal story, John John (a name white men commonly and indiscriminately called … Read more

Helga Estby, who walked across the United States in 1896 to try to save her family farm

Courtesy: The Vintage News Feb 26, 2018 Boban Docevski At the end of the 19th century, women had fewer rights than men. The suffragettes slowly worked to change the position of women in society, but they were still considered as less capable than men. Most women were destined to stay home for their whole lives and … Read more

The reason John F. Kennedy kept a battered coconut shell on his desk in the Oval Office

Courtesy: The Vintage News Feb 3, 2018 Domagoj Valjak During his presidency, John F. Kennedy decorated his desk with a number of items that carried personal meaning. These included model sailing ships, an ornamented whale tooth, and various naval memorabilia. However, the most unusual and perhaps most significant item was a paperweight made out of an … Read more

Barbed wire made possible America’s original social network, when news traveled throughout the countryside on a telephone party line

Courtesy: The Vintage News Dec 26, 2017 E.L. Hamilton Fences are said to make good neighbors. This was especially true on the American frontier in the late 1880s when people talked literally over the wires. It all came about when Alexander Graham Bell’s invention of the telephone collided with the epic fencing of the Great Plains. … Read more

Hitler’s Escape Sub Possibly Found

Courtesy: The Vintage News Apr 24, 2018 George Winston Type XXI submarine One of the more colorful rumors floating around about the end of the Second World War was that Hitler and his inner-circle managed to escape to live long, consequence-free lives with all of their Nazi loot in some undisclosed country in South America, usually … Read more

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