
January 2, 2019 by Paulo Coelho According to the dictionary: a tendency of the spirit to consider something as probable; the second of the theological virtues; expectation; supposition; probability. For the ancient Greeks: In one of the classic myths of the Creation, one of the gods, furious at the fact that Prometheus stole fire and in doing so … Read more

Chappaquiddick Coverup? Kennedy left the scene, did not seek the help of the police or report it to authorities

The Vintage News Jun 16, 2018 Nancy Bilyeau On the morning of July 19, 1969, the discovery of a dead 28-year-old woman, Mary Jo Kopechne, in the back seat of a car owned by Senator Edward M. Kennedy, one that had apparently crashed into the water off Dike Bridge on Chappaquiddick Island, Massachusetts, did more than … Read more

In Photos: The men who took on the giants and won

The Vintage News Jun 17, 2018 Stefan Andrews When the pioneers swept westward in the U.S. in the 1800s, they needed raw material for their homesteads and daily lives–we forget that there were no plastics in those days. Big business of course followed and commercial logging followed the ever moving pioneer front. The fast growing town … Read more

6 mistakes that smart people never make twice

by Piyush Sharma Everybody makes mistakes, as it is only human. But there are a very few among us who actually learn from our mistakes. The first step is to accept your mistake and make peace with it, and only then can you expect yourself to make a change. This is what celebrated author Paulo Coelho … Read more

The Woman who “Resurrected” Inside her Coffin while on the way to the Graveyard

The Vintage News Aug 22, 2018 Stefan Andrews As Margaret Dickson was consigned to the gallows on Edinburgh’s historic Grassmarket on September 2, 1724, it is unlikely that anyone attending her public execution thought they would see the woman alive again afterward. The day of the hanging should have been just another ordinary day, with a … Read more

Sweyn Forkbeard: the king of Denmark ruled England for five weeks, but his bloodline can be found in today’s British royalty

The Vintage News Mar 22, 2018 Nikola Budanovic Little is known of the King of Denmark, Sweyn Forkbeard, today, but this Norse monarch was once the King of England as well, albeit for only five weeks, making the small town of Gainsborough in eastern England his capital. One reason for the mystery surrounding him is several … Read more

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