Treasure – Roman Gold Ring Found with a Metal Detector in an English Field

The Vintage News Aug 14, 2018 Nancy Bilyeau Getty Images Searching for valuables from the Roman age in the fields of England is a popular pastime — if a frustrating one for many who pursue dreams of glory. But for one amateur with a metal detector, the search just paid off big time, with the discovery … Read more

Lucy’s baby, the world oldest known child found in Ethiopia is 120,000 years older than Lucy

The Vintage News Jul 16, 2018 Katie Vernon In 2000, a team of scientists, led by Ethiopian paleoanthropologist Zeresenay Alemseged, discovered the skull and bones of a toddler ape-girl from 3.3 million years ago. The fossil was named Selam, meaning “peace” in Ethiopian. Selam belongs to the same species as Lucy, Australopithecus afarensis, and was unearthed just a … Read more

In 2014 a German TV documentary claims Roswell UFO Was the Nazi Bell

War History Online Mar 28, 2018 George Winston Representation of the Nazi bell. By WeskerX – CC BY-SA 3.0 The ‘Nazi Bell’ was a supposed technology, crafted by the Third Reich, to enable interstellar travel to the Moon and other planets. A popular conspiracy theory believes that the technology utilized an incomprehensible, anti-gravity system to achieve … Read more

New York’s Fort Blunder, a monument to a 19th century map mistake, is for sale, but so far, no takers

The Vintage News Apr 2, 2018 Terri Likens Photo taken from a fishing access parking lot on the north side of the Rouses Point Bridge (US Route 2) in Vermont. Fort is .68 mile due NW of camera position. Photo :Mfwills – CC BY-SA 3.0 At Lake Champlain in New York State stands an unintended monument … Read more

Coca Cola delivery trucks

The Vintage News Jun 22, 2018 Alex .A During the winter season of 1995, one of the world’s most impressive advertising campaigns ever was launched. A fleet of Coca-Cola trucks bedecked with twinkling Christmas lights rolled across our television screens. The trucks in the very first Coca-Cola Christmas Caravan weren’t even real–it was just three custom-made full-size … Read more

Medmenham Abbey: How a home for medieval monks was transformed into a secret club for depraved aristocrats

The Vintage News May 11, 2018 Nancy Bilyeau Photo:Andrew Smith / Medmenham Abbey / CC BY-SA 2.0 History does not record a single event of interest that took place within the abbey walls while Cistercian monks actually inhabited Medmenham between 1204 and 1536. It’s what happened to a woman around the time of its founding and … Read more

The U.S. had “Backpack Nukes” that would be carried to battlefields during the cold war

War History Online Feb 25, 2018 Jack Knight If you think the tensions between Russia and United States have reached the heights of insanity now, you should invest some time to learn about the Cold War and your perception of hostility will change for good. Soon after the Second World War reached an abrupt end with … Read more

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