Hitler Greatly Admired Clark Gable and Offered a Sizable Reward to Capture him Alive

The Vintage News Oct 1, 2018 Katie Vernon Photo by Getty Images Even though he never even wanted to star in Gone With the Wind, Clark Gable is mostly remembered for that role, appearing as Rhett Butler. His charisma, charming smile, and sublime masculinity have etched themselves into Hollywood lore. He was admired by both women and men … Read more

Roller Skating in the 1900s – Hilarious Photos of Humanity on Wheels

The Vintage News Oct 3, 2018 Marea Harris The roller-skating phenomena started in Belgium when inventor John Joseph Merlin created a modified ice skate in 1760, with wheels attached in place of the blade. He’d seen the ease and speed with which expert ice-skaters moved, and looked for a way to make skating available outside of the … Read more

Are you lost deer? The deer that still won’t cross the German border

The Vintage News Jun 8, 2018 Nikola Budanovic Animals are unfamiliar with administrative borders set up by humans in order to separate countries from one another. They migrate through vast woodlands, unaware that they are moving from one state into the other. But during the Cold War, even deer knew of the East-West divide. The border … Read more

King Adolf Frederick has lost his crown: the Swedish king who ate himself to disaster in 1771

The Vintage News May 16, 2018 Stefan Andrews Ideally, monarchs go down in history remembered for their great accomplishments, but that was not the case with Adolf Frederick of Sweden. This 18th-century king is instead remembered for his over-vigorous preparation for Lent. His fondness for a traditional Swedish sweet bun called semla (plural selmor) ultimately led to his death, … Read more

The fish who saved my life

October 9, 2018 by Paulo Coelho Illustration by Ken Crane Nasrudin is walking past a cave when he sees a yogi, deep in meditation, and he asks the yogi what he is searching for. The yogi says:‘I study the animals and have learned many lessons from them that can transform a man’s life.’ ‘A fish once saved my … Read more

“You talkin’ to me?” – Robert De Niro drove passengers in a cab around NYC

The Vintage News Jun 13, 2018 Steve Palace Getty Images If you were to hail a cab in New York City in the early 1970s, you might well have noticed the brooding driver in his 30s at the wheel of your ride. He wasn’t exactly a household name at the time, but the movie Mean Streets (1973) had … Read more

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