Hitler Plotted to Assassinate Churchill with…Exploding Chocolate

The Vintage News Aug 4, 2018 Steve Palace For years before World War II broke out, Winston Churchill had warned the British government of Adolf Hitler’s growing influence. When he was elevated to Prime Minister in 1940, Churchill became a major obstacle to the Führer, rallying the Establishment and its people and inspiring them to fight … Read more

Lucy’s baby, the world oldest known child found in Ethiopia is 120,000 years older than Lucy

The Vintage News Jul 16, 2018 Katie Vernon In 2000, a team of scientists, led by Ethiopian paleoanthropologist Zeresenay Alemseged, discovered the skull and bones of a toddler ape-girl from 3.3 million years ago. The fossil was named Selam, meaning “peace” in Ethiopian. Selam belongs to the same species as Lucy, Australopithecus afarensis, and was unearthed just a … Read more

The Vintage News Jun 12, 2018 Terri Likens Wakering Stairs, The BroomwayPhoto by Juliane Savage CC By SA 2.0 Walking may be good for your health, except on one seemingly gentle coastal path in Great Britain. It is a path known for whisking even the heartiest of people to a murky demise. The death toll is … Read more

Child labor of early 20th century brought to life in colorized images

The Vintage News Feb 19, 2018 Ben Wheeler A series of heart-wrenching images depicting child labor in early 20th century America has been brought to life after being expertly colorized. Among the photos is an eight-year-old cranberry picker, Jennie Camillo, looking desolate as she attempts to carry her heavy load in Pemberton, New Jersey. Other pictures … Read more

J. Marion Sims, the controversial “father of modern gynecology,” conducted experiments on slaves and did not use anesthesia

The Vintage News May 9, 2018 Martin Chalakoski In August 2017 a group of angry protesters and human-rights activists gathered around the statue of Dr. J. Marion Sims in Central Park in New York City. Fired up, enraged, dressed in white hospital gowns sprayed with red (as in blood) to signify women’s pain and suffering during … Read more

How to survive house and forest fires

Outdoor Revival By Nick Oetken Publish Date: Oct 30, 2017 When you are trying to survive in dangerous circumstances, a fire can be your lifesaver because it helps you stay warm, safe, and cook food. But, if the fire is in your house or in the forest, it could be the worst nightmare that you’ve ever … Read more

Historic Japanese Internment Camps – Could be Lost Forever Because of Cuts

May 30, 2018 George Winston Wartime Civil Control Station in San Francisco, California. National Archives Because of proposed cuts in the United States budget for 2019, the National Park Services would be severely reduced.  This may have a negative impact on many NPS sites including those where Japanese Americans were confined following America’s entry into WWII … Read more

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