In Spain, two women fooled a priest into marrying them.

The Vintage News Apr 30, 2018 Kristin Thomas Throughout history, many notable women have had to disguise themselves as men in order to achieve their dreams. For instance, in the 15th century, Joan of Arc dressed in men’s clothing in order to lead the French army. There’s also Rena Kanokogi, who, in 1959, disguised herself as … Read more

The tricks of camouflage, from mannequins in Ancient China to fabricated tree stumps in World War I

The Vintage News May 1, 2018 Patricia Grimshaw The use of camouflage to hide oneself from an opposing person or force is nothing new. Since time immemorial, people have taken cues from the natural world and used concealment methods and tactics to hide their position and movement. However, this has evolved into being more than face … Read more

Top 10 forbidden places you will never visit

Outdoor Revival By Tomi Stojanovic Publish Date: Nov 22, 2017 Some people say that they have the world in the palm of their hand, but unfortunately for them, there are some places they’ll never see. The world has many fascinating and amazing places that we can’t wait to explore. But, amongst them, there are places that … Read more

In 1881, the eerie end-of-the-world predictions of “Mother Shipton,” who may have been otherwise known as the “Witch of York,” terrified all of England

The Vintage News Apr 19, 2018 Nancy Bilyeau Photo: Immanuel Giel CC BY 3.0 In the spring of 1881, families across England deserted their homes, too terrified to sleep in their beds. They slept in fields or prayed in churches and chapels for God to spare their lives in the apocalypse that was foretold: “The world … Read more

The “Walk of Shame” scene in “Game of Thrones” was inspired by a real-life event in Medieval London

The Vintage News Jul 19, 2018 Larissa Harris The historical position of royal mistress was a highly privileged arrangement but didn’t always offer security. As royal marriages were usually dictated by political alliances, it was not unknown for the king to take up a lover, or in fact several. But his royal mistress was more than … Read more

An ancient Roman ring found in an English field inspired J. R. R. Tolkien’s epic saga “Lord of the Rings”

The Vintage News Mar 6, 2018 E.L. Hamilton Photo:xlibber/FLickr CC By 2.0 An ancient Roman ring likely inspired J. R. R. Tolkien to create the Ring of Power, also known as One Ring, at the center of his beloved epic saga, The Lord of the Rings, and its prequel, The Hobbit. Forged by the Dark Lord Sauron to enslave … Read more

The Spy with the Wooden Leg

The Vintage News Jun 22, 2018 Andrew Pourciaux A good spy needs many things: wits, courage, intelligence, and strength of heart. Many would believe that two functioning legs would also be necessary when it came to spying, especially during World War Two, when communication was extremely limited and mobility was of the utmost importance. Yet Virginia … Read more

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