As the official witch of Los Angeles County in 1968, Louise Huebner led chants for the first gigantic Spellcast

The Vintage News May 12, 2018 Kristin Thomas Louise Huebner, preparing a turtle soup for her new cookbook. (Photo by Heinz Kluetmeier/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images) The 1960s are known as the era that changed the nation. It was a time of revolution–free love, peace, social, and political. Those who weren’t there to witness or experience … Read more

Scotland’s Isle of Skye reveals landmark dinosaur footprints dated to the Middle Jurassic era

The Vinatge News Apr 22, 2018 Stefan Andrews Footprints belonging to two different kinds of dinosaurs, discovered on Scotland’s Isle of Skye, have revealed new details of how the now-extinct creatures evolved and moved during a period of the Jurassic era. Traces of the dinosaurs were found both as part of trackways and as isolated marks, … Read more

If there is one group of people who’ve always known everything about reindeer, it is the Sami, also practitioners of shamanism

The Vintage News Jan 15, 2018 Stefan Andrews Photo By: Nasjonalbiblioteket CC BY 2.0 Long before Norway, Sweden, or Finland inscribed the names of their countries on the map of northern Europe, the Sami people roamed the Arctic terrains of Sápmi at the northern tip of the continent. They are traditionally known as the Lapps, or the … Read more

Children begged for more and Frank Baum delivered, with 13 sequels to “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”

Courtesy: The Vintage News Apr 17, 2018 Martin Chalakoski “To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children…To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded!” — Ralph Waldo Emerson If we take that as an actual measurement for success, … Read more

Princess Diana, modern royal style icon, would not wear Chanel pumps after her divorce for a private reason

The Vintage News May 18, 2018 E.L. Hamilton (Photo by Tim Graham/Getty Images) The world busily parsing every tiny detail of the upcoming royal wedding of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry at Windsor Castle reminds us of who will be missing from the happy day: Prince Harry’s mother, the original modern royal style icon, Princess Diana. … Read more

A tradition lingering since the 18th century: Prince Harry needed to obtain the Queen’s special consent to wed Meghan Markle

The Vintage News May 23, 2018 Stefan Andrews One thing that makes royal weddings so special is that, from beginning to end, they’re embellished with centuries-old traditions. It was no exception in the case of Prince Harry’s wedding with American actress Meghan Markle. For instance, as a royal bride, Ms. Markle was traditionally loaned a tiara … Read more

A breakthrough study suggests that rats weren’t to blame for the plague pandemic during the 14th century

Courtesy: The Vintage N ews Jan 19, 2018 Nikola Budanovic Despite the widely accepted theory that the black rat (Rattus Rattus) was the main culprit of the plague pandemic that devastated 14th century Europe and Asia, scientists from the University of Oslo, Norway, and the University of Ferrara, Italy, beg to differ. The Black Death, as … Read more

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