New evidence explains how the Great Pyramid of Giza was built

Courtesy: The Vintage News Jan 13, 2018 Ian Harvey Most famous symbols of Egyptian Culture For thousands of years, no one could figure out how the massive blocks of stone were brought from locations that were over 100 miles from the Giza Valley to build the tomb of King Khufu, pharaoh of Egypt from 2589 BC to 2566 … Read more

The longest beard in history is 17 feet 6 inches long and its proud owner ended up joining the circus

Courtesy: The Vintage News Mar 12, 2018 Alex .A Over the last couple of years, we have seen that beards, mustaches, and stubble have become increasingly popular. Just take a walk and you’ll most certainly be confronted with various types of facial hair. However, there is very little chance that you will be able to see a … Read more

This two-piece ceremonial helmet, worn by Roman cavalrymen during military exercises and during parades and other ceremonies, weighs nearly three pounds and was most likely of little or no practical use on the battlefield.

Courtesy: The Vintage News Dec 14, 2017 Goran Blazeski Photo Credit Helen Simonsson – CC BY-SA 2.0 Over the past centuries, archaeologists have unearthed some extraordinary artifacts that give us a glimpse into human history and help us understand the many secrets of the ancient world. Numerous archaeological expeditions have been undertaken over the years, some of which … Read more

Georges Méliès, the magic-minded dreamer who in 1902 filmed “The Trip to the Moon” and showed us what movies are capable of  

Dec 15, 2017 Martin Chalakoski “Honored guests, I am proud to welcome you to this gala, celebrating the life and work of Georges Méliès. For years most of his films were thought to be lost. Indeed, Monsieur Méliès believed so himself. But we began a search, we looked through vaults, through private collections, barns, and catacombs. Our work was rewarded … Read more

Swedes swarmed a Lufthansa contest offering a fully funded brand-new life in Berlin, even changing their names to qualify

Courtesy: The Vintage News Nov 26, 2017 E.L. Hamilton Would you legally change your name to win a whole new life in Berlin? For a free flight to Germany, a free apartment, and a free bike to get around town? And no, this isn’t the Witness Protection Program. The catch? Your new name: Klaus-Heidi. Klaus-Heidi is … Read more

A new study finds the earliest traces of wine-making in country of Georgia in roughly 6000 BC

Courtesy: The Vintage News Dec 17, 2017 Stefan Andrews Photo Credit: Judyta Olszewski In Georgia there is a proverb, “Every guest is a gift from God,” and this perhaps sums up the reputation of the residents of this country as gregarious and generous hosts. It is considered the height of politeness to welcome visitors with a … Read more

All King Eric did was cause conflicts and create enemies

Courtesy: The Vintage News Mar 7, 2018 Martin Chalakoski As the sole female monarch in the history of Norway and deservedly recognized as one of the most intriguing and skillful political figures in Scandinavia, Queen Margaret I of Denmark proved to be a brilliant tactician. Her rightful heir, Eric, who succeeded her? Not so much. Margaret I … Read more

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