Hitler Greatly Admired Clark Gable and Offered a Sizable Reward to Capture him Alive

The Vintage News Oct 1, 2018 Katie Vernon Photo by Getty Images Even though he never even wanted to star in Gone With the Wind, Clark Gable is mostly remembered for that role, appearing as Rhett Butler. His charisma, charming smile, and sublime masculinity have etched themselves into Hollywood lore. He was admired by both women and men … Read more

6 mistakes that smart people never make twice

by Piyush Sharma Everybody makes mistakes, as it is only human. But there are a very few among us who actually learn from our mistakes. The first step is to accept your mistake and make peace with it, and only then can you expect yourself to make a change. This is what celebrated author Paulo Coelho … Read more

Sweyn Forkbeard: the king of Denmark ruled England for five weeks, but his bloodline can be found in today’s British royalty

The Vintage News Mar 22, 2018 Nikola Budanovic Little is known of the King of Denmark, Sweyn Forkbeard, today, but this Norse monarch was once the King of England as well, albeit for only five weeks, making the small town of Gainsborough in eastern England his capital. One reason for the mystery surrounding him is several … Read more

Feeling guilty

November 11, 2018 by Paulo Coelho We feel guilty for all that is authentic in ourselves – our salary, our opinions, our experiences, our hidden desires, the way we speak – we even feel guilty for our parents and our brothers. And what is the result? Paralysis. We grow ashamed of doing anything different from what the … Read more

Are you lost deer? The deer that still won’t cross the German border

The Vintage News Jun 8, 2018 Nikola Budanovic Animals are unfamiliar with administrative borders set up by humans in order to separate countries from one another. They migrate through vast woodlands, unaware that they are moving from one state into the other. But during the Cold War, even deer knew of the East-West divide. The border … Read more

Women Attracted to War Heroes According to UK Study

War History Online Sep 11, 2018 George Winston The University of Southampton in the United Kingdom has published a study showing that women are more attracted to war heroes than to other men that show heroic qualities such as ordinary soldiers, athletes, or first responders. The study was published online in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior. … Read more

The Sergeant who was promoted to King of Sweden

The Vintage News Jul 21, 2018 Nikola Budanovic During the French Revolution and later the Napoleonic Wars, the aristocracy of France was decimated and their role in French society was left in a vacuum ― royal sympathizers, nobles, military officers, clergy, and other aristocrats either fled or faced the guillotine. On the other hand, the revolution … Read more

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