“You talkin’ to me?” – Robert De Niro drove passengers in a cab around NYC

The Vintage News Jun 13, 2018 Steve Palace Getty Images If you were to hail a cab in New York City in the early 1970s, you might well have noticed the brooding driver in his 30s at the wheel of your ride. He wasn’t exactly a household name at the time, but the movie Mean Streets (1973) had … Read more

The ancient and mysterious chalk white horses

The Vintage News Jun 13, 2018 Patricia Grimshaw Traveling down the B3098 near Westbury, in Wiltshire, England, a curious sight greets drivers and passengers alike as they round a corner. Up on a hillside, in clear view, is a large, white horse. Not an actual horse and not a statue, but a carving, in the earth, … Read more

A Heldreich’s pine in Italy is named Europe’s oldest tree at 1,230 years, when King Charlemagne lived and the Vikings raided

The Vintage News Jun 1, 2018 Stefan Andrews Getty Images If you’re looking for the world’s record-breaker when it comes to the oldest tree on the planet, experts say head to the Great Basin National Park in the United States and search for a bristlecone pine with an age determined to be a flabbergasting 5,065 years. … Read more

How a physician invented chocolate milk in Jamaica and brought it to Europe

The Vintage News Jun 1, 2018 Andrew Pourciaux Chocolate milk is one of those delicious treats that few can resist, no matter their age. In A Christmas Story, young Ralphie spends an inordinate amount of energy on consuming Ovaltine, a brand of chocolate milk mix, in order to get a decoder ring that ends up being just another … Read more

The importance of the eyes

September 22, 2018 by Paulo Coelho Paulo Coelho   “I sell churches.” I stood astonished as he continued: “I am employed by the Vatican to select buyers, since there are more churches than churchgoers in Holland. And since we have had awful experiences in the past, seeing sacred places turned into nightclubs, condominiums, boutiques and even sex … Read more

Million Dollar Artwork Damaged by Overzealous Cleaning Lady

The Vintage News Sep 6, 2018 Andrew Pourciaux Photo by Mirko Tobias Schäfer CC BY 2.0 Modern art often gets a reputation for being strange, obtuse and somewhat pretentious. Of course, this reputation isn’t entirely unearned. There have been plenty of strange and overblown pieces of art, sometimes selling for hundreds of thousands of dollars, all … Read more

Charles Darwin, the father of the theory of evolution, was married to his first cousin

The Vintage News Jun 11, 2018 Nikola Budanovic Charles Darwin is the father of evolution science and a biologist whose studies set a milestone in explaining the origins of all living forms on Earth. His theory of natural selection turned the 19th century science world upside-down and has been a subject of lively debate and numerous … Read more

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