The life of Queen Ankhesenamun, sister and wife of Tutankhamun

The Vintage News Jul 21, 2018 Stefan Andrews The lid of a casket of Tutankhamun (Photo by Werner Forman/Universal Images Group/Getty Images) Ancient Egypt has captivated our imaginations for centuries. Egyptologists have made many fascinating discoveries over the years, but it seems as though just as many mysteries surrounding this ancient culture remain unsolved. One of … Read more

King Adolf Frederick has lost his crown: the Swedish king who ate himself to disaster in 1771

The Vintage News May 16, 2018 Stefan Andrews Ideally, monarchs go down in history remembered for their great accomplishments, but that was not the case with Adolf Frederick of Sweden. This 18th-century king is instead remembered for his over-vigorous preparation for Lent. His fondness for a traditional Swedish sweet bun called semla (plural selmor) ultimately led to his death, … Read more

سی پیک کے ساتھ کیا گیا خطرناک کھلواڑ

“سی پیک سے کیا گیا خطرناک کھلواڑ….” ” پاک چینی دوستی سی پیک کے ذریعے اقتصادی شراکت داری میں بدلی اگر سی پیک کو روکا یا تعطل میں ڈالا گیا تو معیشت کو نقصان ہوگا۔ ” ۔۔۔۔ مولانا فضل الرحمن ” سی پیک گیم چینجر ہے۔اسے منجمد کرنا 22 کروڑ عوام کے ساتھ زیادتی ہوگی۔ … Read more

“I see that you have made three spelling mistakes,” muttered Marquis de Favras upon reading his death warrant

The Vintage News Jul 26, 2018 Stefan Andrews Public execution and torture as criminal punishment goes back a long way in European history. Often the sentence was engineered to fit the crime, in some unthinkably gruesome ways. In France, during the period from 1789 to 1799, hundreds of thousands of men and women were arrested and … Read more

Hitler Plotted to Assassinate Churchill with…Exploding Chocolate

The Vintage News Aug 4, 2018 Steve Palace For years before World War II broke out, Winston Churchill had warned the British government of Adolf Hitler’s growing influence. When he was elevated to Prime Minister in 1940, Churchill became a major obstacle to the Führer, rallying the Establishment and its people and inspiring them to fight … Read more

“Super Father” Genghis Khan has up to 16 million male descendants

The Vintage News Jun 9, 2018 Mark Shiffer The Mongolian leader Genghis Khan was known to have fathered many children with different women. One study suggests that up to 10 other men in Asian history have rivaled the procreative prowess of Khan. Unfortunately, except for this one ruler, we don’t know the names of any of … Read more

The last meal: What happened when a crime boss sat down to lunch in a Brooklyn restaurant

The Vintage News Jun 9, 2018 Nancy Bilyeau A hot day in New York City feels like no place else. The heaviness of the air weighs on you as you trudge down the blinding bright streets crisscrossing Gotham. It could be the concrete everywhere–sidewalks below, buildings above–and the smell of garbage that seems to grow in … Read more

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