Big Nose Kate – Doc Holliday’s Rough and Tumble Lover who Broke him out of Jail

Nov 9, 2018 Tijana Radeska She is remembered in history as Doc Holliday’s on-and-off girlfriend with the big nose. But Big Nose Kate was much more than that. She showed true grit when it came to situations like saving her life or the life of her beloved man. She was born Mary Katherine Horony in 1850, … Read more


January 2, 2019 by Paulo Coelho According to the dictionary: a tendency of the spirit to consider something as probable; the second of the theological virtues; expectation; supposition; probability. For the ancient Greeks: In one of the classic myths of the Creation, one of the gods, furious at the fact that Prometheus stole fire and in doing so … Read more


December 29, 2018 by Paulo Coelho Think of the lizard.It spends most of its life on the ground, envying the birds and indignant at its fate and its shape. “I am the most disliked of all the creatures,” it thinks. “Ugly, repulsive, and condemned tocrawl along the ground.” One day, though, Mother Nature asks the lizard to … Read more

Alleged Alcatraz Escapee Sends Letter to FBI 50 Years Later Revealing He Survived

Sep 9, 2018 Taryn Smee On June 11, 1962, one of the most daring prison escapes in history was carried out by three men. Frank Morris, along with brothers John and Clarence Anglin, escaped from Alcatraz prison never to be seen again. The FBI closed its case in 1979 after reaching the conclusion that the men … Read more

Flying Cars! Hilarious Prototypes of the Last Century

Sep 10, 2018 Marea Harris Flying cars are typically something we see in science fiction films. Most people don’t know that shortly after the Wright brothers built the first flying vehicle in 1903, people were already picturing a future where cars zipped through the air. In fact, the idea of flying machines can be traced all … Read more

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