Construction of a new subway line in Rome brings thousands of precious artifacts to light

The Vintage News Jan 6, 2018 Stefan Andrews For archaeologists, 2017 has been a year of astounding discoveries. It was a year in which the world saw some striking dinosaur fossil finds, such as the case of Halszkaraptor escuilliei. This dinosaur, with its swan-like neck and crocodile teeth, once thrived in modern-day Mongolia. It walked like a duck … Read more

Flying Cars! Hilarious Prototypes of the Last Century

Sep 10, 2018 Marea Harris Flying cars are typically something we see in science fiction films. Most people don’t know that shortly after the Wright brothers built the first flying vehicle in 1903, people were already picturing a future where cars zipped through the air. In fact, the idea of flying machines can be traced all … Read more

This abandoned 12th century city still has hundreds of bottles of wine unopened in the cellars

The Vintage News Jun 17, 2018 Martin Chalakoski For the curious sightseer, or unconventional traveler who seeks something besides a fancy restaurant in Paris or Rome, China has the gravity-defying Hanging Temple in Datong City. Greece has the Meteora Monasteries, balanced precipitously at the top of high cliffs. But if one is looking for the extraordinary, for … Read more

Time travel: A 1929 camera found at a thrift store, with a 70-year-old film inside

The Vintage News Jul 3, 2018 Seth Nowell There are two kinds of people, those who think of Flea Markets as a waste of time and those who see them as a portal to a different dimension — a window into the past. Second-hand goods might evoke feelings and emotions like nothing else can. Objects once … Read more

Germany’s Secret Submarine Development Program in Finland

War History Online Sep 11, 2018 Matthew Gaskill Almost before the ink was dry on the Treaty of Versailles which ended WWI, officers in the armed forces of Germany had begun to plan ways around it. Their ultimate aim was that one day they could announce to the world that they were no longer going to … Read more

An 11-year-old girl received a 5-pound note for naming Pluto when it was discovered in 1930

The Vintage News May 15, 2018 E.L. Hamilton Venetia Burney was an 11-year-old girl eating breakfast with her mother and grandfather in Oxford, England, in March 1930. Her grandfather, a retired head Oxford librarian, read aloud some exciting news in the London Times: Scientists at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, had photographed a planet long suspected of … Read more

In 2014 a German TV documentary claims Roswell UFO Was the Nazi Bell

War History Online Mar 28, 2018 George Winston Representation of the Nazi bell. By WeskerX – CC BY-SA 3.0 The ‘Nazi Bell’ was a supposed technology, crafted by the Third Reich, to enable interstellar travel to the Moon and other planets. A popular conspiracy theory believes that the technology utilized an incomprehensible, anti-gravity system to achieve … Read more

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