How to store plastic kayaks

Outdoor Revival By Doug Williams Publish Date: Oct 30, 2017 Most kayak enthusiasts start off small, with just one favorite kayak. However, over time they tend to collect kayaks while experimenting with various types of kayaking. This presents a serious kayak storage problem since no one has unlimited spare space in their garage to securely keep … Read more

The future is streamlined locomotives, welcome to the 1930s 

The Vintage News Jun 20, 2018 Alex .A It’s hard to grasp now how much the introduction of railroads and railway services during the late 18th century and early 19th century forever changed the way we commute, travel, and transport our stock and goods. It was a grand leap of faith into a new future, similarly … Read more

The bug collecting boy that went on to invent Pokémon

The Vintage News Jun 21, 2018 Andrew Pourciaux (Photo by Stephen Lovekin/WireImage) Pokémon is one of the biggest game franchises ever created. With over 20 films, 122 games, and over 800 creatures to capture, the Pokémon series has been highly influential in gaming culture across the globe. The origins of Pokémon may be surprising for some, … Read more

Strange but True: In 1952 a German scientist predicted the name “Elon” would be associated with the colonization of Mars

Courtesy: The Vintage News Feb 11, 2018 Domagoj Valjak The South African-born billionaire businessman and engineer Elon Musk is one of the world’s leading innovators in space travel. His company SpaceX works on the creation of low-cost and energy-efficient spacecraft. It’s possible that those spacecrafts will bring the first humans to Mars in the following decade. If SpaceX … Read more

Plagiarism tool used to catch college students detects similarities in Shakespeare’s plays and the work of an obscure Englishman named George North

Courtesy: The Vintage News Feb 13, 2018 Nancy Bilyeau Does anyone know who William Shakespeare is? Playwright, England’s national poet and the world’s genius, and the Bard of Avon? Yes, of course you do. How about George North? Anyone? Crickets. And yet according to a new academic book being published on February 16th, Shakespeare made good … Read more

New evidence explains how the Great Pyramid of Giza was built

Courtesy: The Vintage News Jan 13, 2018 Ian Harvey Most famous symbols of Egyptian Culture For thousands of years, no one could figure out how the massive blocks of stone were brought from locations that were over 100 miles from the Giza Valley to build the tomb of King Khufu, pharaoh of Egypt from 2589 BC to 2566 … Read more

Georges Méliès, the magic-minded dreamer who in 1902 filmed “The Trip to the Moon” and showed us what movies are capable of  

Dec 15, 2017 Martin Chalakoski “Honored guests, I am proud to welcome you to this gala, celebrating the life and work of Georges Méliès. For years most of his films were thought to be lost. Indeed, Monsieur Méliès believed so himself. But we began a search, we looked through vaults, through private collections, barns, and catacombs. Our work was rewarded … Read more

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