The Woman who “Resurrected” Inside her Coffin while on the way to the Graveyard

The Vintage News Aug 22, 2018 Stefan Andrews As Margaret Dickson was consigned to the gallows on Edinburgh’s historic Grassmarket on September 2, 1724, it is unlikely that anyone attending her public execution thought they would see the woman alive again afterward. The day of the hanging should have been just another ordinary day, with a … Read more

The gift of insults

November 15, 2018 by Paulo Coelho Near Tokyo lived a great Samurai, now old, who decided to teach Zen Buddhism to young people. One afternoon, a warrior – known for his complete lack of scruples – arrived there. The young and impatient warrior had never lost a fight. Hearing of the Samurai’s reputation, he had come to … Read more

Are you lost deer? The deer that still won’t cross the German border

The Vintage News Jun 8, 2018 Nikola Budanovic Animals are unfamiliar with administrative borders set up by humans in order to separate countries from one another. They migrate through vast woodlands, unaware that they are moving from one state into the other. But during the Cold War, even deer knew of the East-West divide. The border … Read more

Indian origin girl gets more points than Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein in the Mensa IQ Test

Anuraag Peesara With 162 points in the very popular Mensa IQ test, 12 year old Indian origin girl Rajgauri Pawar surpasses the likes of Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein, who secured two points less than what Rajgauri has achieved. By achieving this unbelievable feet at the age of 12, she becomes one of the youngest … Read more

The life of Queen Ankhesenamun, sister and wife of Tutankhamun

The Vintage News Jul 21, 2018 Stefan Andrews The lid of a casket of Tutankhamun (Photo by Werner Forman/Universal Images Group/Getty Images) Ancient Egypt has captivated our imaginations for centuries. Egyptologists have made many fascinating discoveries over the years, but it seems as though just as many mysteries surrounding this ancient culture remain unsolved. One of … Read more

A man tore down a wall in his home and found an ancient network of tunnels

The Vintage News Jun 19, 2018 Matthew Gaskill When the original “Star Wars” came out in 1977, people were amazed by all of the sci-fi gadgetry…“The Force,” “droids,” “the Death Star,” etc. However, many people noticed the home that Luke and his aunt and uncle lived in–underground out of the hot desert suns of Tatooine (the … Read more

The Creepy Icelandic Pants Made of Human Skin

The Vintage News Aug 24, 2018 Steve Palace If someone wanted wealth in 17th century Iceland there was a surefire method of achieving it… strike a deal with a buddy to make a pair of necropants. Also known as “nábrók,” or “nábrækur,” the macabre garment comes from ancient folklore and resembles something from Harry Potter by … Read more

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