Lucy’s baby, the world oldest known child found in Ethiopia is 120,000 years older than Lucy

The Vintage News Jul 16, 2018 Katie Vernon In 2000, a team of scientists, led by Ethiopian paleoanthropologist Zeresenay Alemseged, discovered the skull and bones of a toddler ape-girl from 3.3 million years ago. The fossil was named Selam, meaning “peace” in Ethiopian. Selam belongs to the same species as Lucy, Australopithecus afarensis, and was unearthed just a … Read more

The Vintage News Jun 12, 2018 Terri Likens Wakering Stairs, The BroomwayPhoto by Juliane Savage CC By SA 2.0 Walking may be good for your health, except on one seemingly gentle coastal path in Great Britain. It is a path known for whisking even the heartiest of people to a murky demise. The death toll is … Read more

In the 1950s, a drunk New Yorker stole an aircraft twice and landed it in the middle of Manhattan, all on a bet

The Vintage News Dec 22, 2017 Nikola Budanovic Drunken bets have, throughout history, caused the most inconceivable events. Some become intertwined with urban myths, as the results were simply too crazy to believe. One such crazy bet that took place in New York City in the 1950s was well-documented by the authorities. The story of Thomas … Read more

“Super Father” Genghis Khan has up to 16 million male descendants

The Vintage News Jun 9, 2018 Mark Shiffer The Mongolian leader Genghis Khan was known to have fathered many children with different women. One study suggests that up to 10 other men in Asian history have rivaled the procreative prowess of Khan. Unfortunately, except for this one ruler, we don’t know the names of any of … Read more

Eleanor Cobham, a seductive royal duchess, was found guilty of witchcraft in 15th century and forced to walk through London in penance

The Vintage News Feb 19, 2018 Nancy Bilyeau The Duchess of Gloucester forced to walk through the streets as punishment for necromancy. Carnegie Museum of Art – Pittsburgh, PA (United States) Dates: 1900 On November 13th, 1441, the curious people of London lined the streets to observe an act of public penance. The criminal was a … Read more

Top 10 forbidden places you will never visit

Outdoor Revival By Tomi Stojanovic Publish Date: Nov 22, 2017 Some people say that they have the world in the palm of their hand, but unfortunately for them, there are some places they’ll never see. The world has many fascinating and amazing places that we can’t wait to explore. But, amongst them, there are places that … Read more

In 1881, the eerie end-of-the-world predictions of “Mother Shipton,” who may have been otherwise known as the “Witch of York,” terrified all of England

The Vintage News Apr 19, 2018 Nancy Bilyeau Photo: Immanuel Giel CC BY 3.0 In the spring of 1881, families across England deserted their homes, too terrified to sleep in their beds. They slept in fields or prayed in churches and chapels for God to spare their lives in the apocalypse that was foretold: “The world … Read more

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