The Man Who Bought – And Wore – A Medal of Honor Which Was Not His

War History Online Feb 13, 2018 Heather Fishel Part of the Cold War and the inter-Korean conflict Military stories vary widely: some are the moments that make history, secure victories or result in resounding losses. Others are merely moments of day to day life. Still others are incredible stories of heroism, saving lives and greatly impacting … Read more

The saga of a Victorian-age taxidermist–he hunted the animals he planned to preserve, until he saw the light

The Vintage News Jun 3, 2018 Kristin Thomas getty images For a man whose career began with handling animals that were already dead, famous taxidermist Carl Akeley sure had his share of run-ins with animals that were alive. During his career, Akeley survived being crushed by an enormous bull elephant, nearly plunged off a cliff in … Read more

Theia, the unknown planetary object devoured to form the Earth and Moon as known today

The Vintage News Apr 4, 2018 Boban Docevski Some 4.6 billion years ago, the solar system was completely different. It was chaotic and volatile. Many of the planets that we know today were still forming via the process known as “accretion,” which involved the accumulation of smaller particles of matter into one bigger object with its own … Read more

Modern crime-solving techniques help solve mystery of a decapitated 4,000-year-old Egyptian mummy

The Vintage News Apr 4, 2018 Stefan Andrews Head of the Mummy of Djehutynakht. Photo: Marcus Cyron – CC BY 3.0 Under normal circumstances, FBI forensic scientists would not work on analyses of ancient Egyptian mummies, but this is what happened in the case of the mummified remains of a certain ancient Egyptian governor whose name … Read more

The real-life superhero who saved 20 people and ruined his career

The Vintage News Jun 21, 2018 Nikola Budanovic A champion is someone who certainly exceeds expectations–a person of tremendous motivation striving for victory. The term applies not only to sports but also to fields such as science, human rights, and politics. There are many champions in the history of civilization. Then there’s Shavarsh Karapetyan. Even though … Read more

Agent Orange’s Long Legacy: Its Now Affecting Vets’ Grandchildren

May 31, 2018 George Winston Beginning in 1962 and continuing until 1971, the United States military, with the approval of President John F. Kennedy, sprayed over twenty million gallons of herbicide over more than four and a half million acres in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia in order to defoliate the jungle and reduce the areas available … Read more

When a Dutchman removed his own bladder stone with a kitchen knife in 1651

Courtesy: The Vintage News May 23, 2018 Stefan Andrews One day in 1651, Dutchman Joannes Lethaeus, better known to the world as Jan de Doot, reportedly told his spouse to go the fish market and then called his brother for a little assistance over a private matter. Certainly, he would have a lot to explain to … Read more

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