The longest beard in history is 17 feet 6 inches long and its proud owner ended up joining the circus

Courtesy: The Vintage News Mar 12, 2018 Alex .A Over the last couple of years, we have seen that beards, mustaches, and stubble have become increasingly popular. Just take a walk and you’ll most certainly be confronted with various types of facial hair. However, there is very little chance that you will be able to see a … Read more

Swedes swarmed a Lufthansa contest offering a fully funded brand-new life in Berlin, even changing their names to qualify

Courtesy: The Vintage News Nov 26, 2017 E.L. Hamilton Would you legally change your name to win a whole new life in Berlin? For a free flight to Germany, a free apartment, and a free bike to get around town? And no, this isn’t the Witness Protection Program. The catch? Your new name: Klaus-Heidi. Klaus-Heidi is … Read more

The Wealthiest Stingy American Woman

Courtesy: The Vintage News Jan 12, 2018 E.L. Hamilton She wore a simple black dress with frayed hems and clutched a black handbag as she marched along the crowded streets of Lower Manhattan, talking to no one. The sight inspired some to refer to her unkindly as the Witch of Wall Street. She kept an office … Read more

Thousands of witch doctors registered in Tanzania, where witchcraft is a part of everyday life

Courtesy: The Vintage News Dec 27, 2017 Tijana Radeska Nganga-Nksi Author:Hans Hillewaert CC BY-SA2.0 Witches, witchcraft, good witches, bad witches, white magic, black magic… the stuff of books and movies, right? But there are places today where witchcraft is still incorporated into the culture and everyday life of ordinary people. Witchcraft is very common in many … Read more

There’s gold in them thar jeans: The truth behind the tale of a Chinese laundryman who got rich during the Gold Rush washing miners’ clothes

Courtesy: The Vintage News Jan 6, 2018 E.L. Hamilton Talk about laundering money! A popular folk tale from the Gold Rush era has it that a Chinese laundryman got rich not from panning for gold in the American River but from washing. In this apocryphal story, John John (a name white men commonly and indiscriminately called … Read more

The crater that is growing in Siberia is a “climate time bomb”

Courtesy: The Vintage News Jan 11, 2018 Ian Harvey Batagaika crater, 2016 Melting permafrost, which some attribute to climate changes, is creating huge craters in Siberia. The craters are appearing as layers of ice melt, and large holes in the tundra sink downward as if they were elevators moving down the shaft, foot by foot. National Geographic has described … Read more

Madam C. J. Walker, America’s first female self-made millionaire, started with a hair tonic

Courtesy: The Vintage News Jan 9, 2018 Magda Origjanska Our society enjoys reading “rags to riches” stories of well-known business people, entrepreneurs and corporate executives, with explanations of their career path, seasoned with advice of “how to become a millionaire in one year,” “how to instantly elevate your career,” or “grab your opportunity and make it … Read more

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