A “Super Mercedes” that Hitler used receives a $7 million bid at auction, but that was not enough

Jan 29, 2018 Stefan Andrews Dubbed the “Super Mercedes,” this rare vehicle, which reportedly conveyed the infamous Nazi dictator to victory parades and other appearances in Germany and which was offered at an auction by Worldwide Auctioneers in Scottsdale, Arizona, failed to reach its minimum sale price on January 17, 2018. The highest bid hit $7 … Read more

Declassified Files: “My Grandfather did not have to play James Bond, he was James Bond”

Nov 23, 2018 George Winston In 2014, the relaxation of the British Official Secrets Act allowed a family that had always been curious about their grandfather’s wartime service to find out that he was a real-life spy — quite an intriguing profession for a man called  “James Bond.” Stephen Phillips, the grandson of James Charles Bond, … Read more

To Save Gas During WWI People (and Criminals) Zoomed by on ‘Autopeds’

The Vintage News Nov 8, 2018 Nikola Budanovic During the First World War, it quickly became apparent to the Allies that gasoline had to be spared as much as possible if they intend to come out victorious. Among other things that were implemented in the United States and Britain, an alternative transportation device was introduced ― … Read more

Things we may not know about WW1 – In 1914, a soldiers average height was 5’2” & Canadian troops had the highest rates of venereal disease

The Vintage News Nov 11, 2017 Shahan Russell World War I was fought from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918. Because many of the combatants had colonies and alliances beyond the continent, it drew in others from around the world. And due to the technological advances at the time, over 9 million soldiers and more than 7 … Read more

Napoleon and the Battle of the Rabbits: Faced with the implacable animal horde, the Emperor beat a hasty retreat

May 18, 2018 Barbara Stepko The enemy—numbering in the thousands—was relentless, surrounding Napoleon and his men, eventually bringing them to their knees. In desperation, they would retreat. Waterloo, you’re thinking? Not exactly. Napoleon’s most memorable—and humiliating—defeat came at the hands, well, the paws of a fearsome band of bunny rabbits. The bizarre moment in European history happened in … Read more

The Only President to Fatally Win a Duel

Nov 6, 2018 Matthew Gaskill The seventh President of the United States, Andrew Jackson, has always been a controversial figure. He was a controversial man in the White House, and from time to time, historians and the public weigh in on a debate about his nature and the actions he took before he became President and … Read more

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