An archaeological dig on the Swedish island of Öland reveals a massacre that happened 1,500 years ago

The Vintage News May 1, 2018 Nikola Budanovic A recent archaeological find on the island of Öland in southwest Sweden offers an insight into the daily life of Norse people during the period of the Scandinavian Migrations, which coincided with the wider movement of peoples around Europe between 400 and 550 A.D. The earliest evidence of … Read more

Sweyn Forkbeard: the king of Denmark ruled England for five weeks, but his bloodline can be found in today’s British royalty

The Vintage News Mar 22, 2018 Nikola Budanovic Little is known of the King of Denmark, Sweyn Forkbeard, today, but this Norse monarch was once the King of England as well, albeit for only five weeks, making the small town of Gainsborough in eastern England his capital. One reason for the mystery surrounding him is several … Read more

Germany’s Secret Submarine Development Program in Finland

War History Online Sep 11, 2018 Matthew Gaskill Almost before the ink was dry on the Treaty of Versailles which ended WWI, officers in the armed forces of Germany had begun to plan ways around it. Their ultimate aim was that one day they could announce to the world that they were no longer going to … Read more

Women Attracted to War Heroes According to UK Study

War History Online Sep 11, 2018 George Winston The University of Southampton in the United Kingdom has published a study showing that women are more attracted to war heroes than to other men that show heroic qualities such as ordinary soldiers, athletes, or first responders. The study was published online in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior. … Read more

Crazy British Major Defeats Tank Division with an Umbrella

War History Online Sep 30, 2018 David Baker There are legends surrounding every war, many of which are inventions of soldiers either terrified or bored depending on their circumstances. These inventions will often include fantastic and unusual elements meant to buoy the spirits, provide amusement, or ease the anxieties of soldiers waiting to face down death. … Read more

The Sergeant who was promoted to King of Sweden

The Vintage News Jul 21, 2018 Nikola Budanovic During the French Revolution and later the Napoleonic Wars, the aristocracy of France was decimated and their role in French society was left in a vacuum ― royal sympathizers, nobles, military officers, clergy, and other aristocrats either fled or faced the guillotine. On the other hand, the revolution … Read more

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