“I see that you have made three spelling mistakes,” muttered Marquis de Favras upon reading his death warrant

The Vintage News Jul 26, 2018 Stefan Andrews Public execution and torture as criminal punishment goes back a long way in European history. Often the sentence was engineered to fit the crime, in some unthinkably gruesome ways. In France, during the period from 1789 to 1799, hundreds of thousands of men and women were arrested and … Read more

Hitler Plotted to Assassinate Churchill with…Exploding Chocolate

The Vintage News Aug 4, 2018 Steve Palace For years before World War II broke out, Winston Churchill had warned the British government of Adolf Hitler’s growing influence. When he was elevated to Prime Minister in 1940, Churchill became a major obstacle to the Führer, rallying the Establishment and its people and inspiring them to fight … Read more

Myths of History: Was Napoleon Bonaparte Short?

The Vintage News Aug 5, 2018 Dave Ray The power of images and propaganda is real. They have the strength to shape the views of entire civilizations and the influence to become embedded in the national psyche for centuries. For instance when the average person thinks of Napoleon Bonaparte, most likely a few key images come … Read more

The Dutch Terrorized the Philippines in 1600 Before Circumnavigating the World

War History Online Mar 28, 2018 Shahan Russell In 1600, two Dutch ships terrorized the Philippines. They then went on to become the fourth group of Europeans to circumnavigate the world. This is recorded in “Events of the Philippine Islands,” published in Mexico in 1609. Praised by historians, it describes the Philippines in not only the … Read more

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