The Rise and Fall of one of America’s Most Recognized Dynasties

The Vanderbilt name is legendary in America. When we name some of the most famous self-made made men in our country’s history, rail baron Cornelius Vanderbilt sits near the top of the list. At the time of his death, he was worth around $100 million, a staggering total back in 1877 — more money than … Read more

A Huge Fleet of Ghost Ships in American Waters is Creeping Towards the Ocean

Feb 5, 2019 James Hoare Mallows Bay is a fairly unassuming shelter on the Maryland side the Potomac River, where the current twists and curves east. Stand on the bank and study the shallow water closely and your eye will drift over the partially-submerged hulls of ships, the eerie rotting wood and steel cadavers of the … Read more

The Secret Campground for the Rich and Famous

The Vintage News Aug 23, 2018 Mark Shiffer Bohemian Grove is a large campground in Sonoma County, California. Situated north of San Francisco, the 2,700 acre land is considered pristine wilderness, a quiet enclave with giant redwood trees. It’s also where for two weeks every July, some of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the … Read more

Archaeologists Discover the Oldest Library in Germany

Sep 10, 2018 Taryn Smee Humans have always had a thirst for knowledge; archaeologists have found evidence of libraries from ancient Sumeria, where tablets and scrolls were shown to be ordered by subject, usually stored in a temple or royal palace. The most famous and largest library from the classical period is the Library of Alexandria … Read more

“You Have Our Soul” – Easter Island Governor Begs British Museum to Return Statue

The Vintage News Nov 22, 2018 Stefan Andrews The British Museum is widely known for its abundant collection of cultural artifacts, the origins of which can be traced to all corners of the world. One such item is the Hoa Hakananai’a, a remarkable Moai basalt sculpture native to the remote volcanic Easter Island, a territory of … Read more

To Save Gas During WWI People (and Criminals) Zoomed by on ‘Autopeds’

The Vintage News Nov 8, 2018 Nikola Budanovic During the First World War, it quickly became apparent to the Allies that gasoline had to be spared as much as possible if they intend to come out victorious. Among other things that were implemented in the United States and Britain, an alternative transportation device was introduced ― … Read more

Anne Stuart – The Unlikeliest Queen of England

The Vintage News Dec 27, 2018 Nancy Bilyeau The new film The Favourite, winning favorable reviews and earning award nominations, shows a Queen Anne who doesn’t seem up to the job of ruling a country. As portrayed by Olivia Colman, the Queen is weak, uncomprehending, irrational, and obsessed with her female ladies-in-waiting. Rachel Weisz and Olivia Colman … Read more

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